- Accessories
- Accounting and Tax Services
- Antiques
- Appraisal Services
- Art
- Art Galleries
- Books
- Brewery
- Children's Goods
- Clothing-Men's
- Clothing-Women's
- Comedy & Music
- Crafts
- Custom Wedding Attire
- Design Services
- Education
- Florist
- Food Markets
- Furniture
- Gifts
- Health Services
- Hemp and CBD Products
- Home Decor
- Housewares
- Jewelry
- Jewelry Repair & Watch Batteries
- Letterpress Printing
- Live Entertainment
- Maryland and Baltimore Souvenirs
- Non Profit Organizations
- Orioles
- Pet Care
- Photographer
- Private Event Space
- Ravens
- Real Estate - Law - Insurance - Accounting
- Religious
- Restaurants - Cafes - Bars
- Retail Hardware
- Salons - Spa & Wellness Services
- Services
- Shoes
- Shop
- Souvenirs
- Vintage
- Vinyl Records
- Wine - Beer & Spirits
- apartment & townhome rentals
- coworking
- eyecare
Eco conscious hair salon using high end cruelty free and organic product lines
Shananigans Toy Shop
A neighborhood toy store, featuring a wide selection of classic, unique, and most importantly, FUN toys for all ages!
co-balt workspace
Co-Balt was created to give Baltimore’s entrepreneurial community a place to thrive.
Dragonfly Digital Marketing - Agile Marketing for the Digital Age
Sharing the story of Baltimore’s public transit past, especially that of the city’s street railways.
Wild Yam Pottery
Handcrafted stoneware and porcelain pottery for the home & garden created by local artists