- Accessories
- Accounting and Tax Services
- Antiques
- Appraisal Services
- Art
- Art Galleries
- Books
- Brewery
- Children's Goods
- Clothing-Men's
- Clothing-Women's
- Comedy & Music
- Crafts
- Custom Wedding Attire
- Design Services
- Education
- Florist
- Food Markets
- Furniture
- Gifts
- Health Services
- Hemp and CBD Products
- Home Decor
- Housewares
- Jewelry
- Jewelry Repair & Watch Batteries
- Letterpress Printing
- Live Entertainment
- Maryland and Baltimore Souvenirs
- Non Profit Organizations
- Orioles
- Pet Care
- Photographer
- Private Event Space
- Ravens
- Real Estate - Law - Insurance - Accounting
- Religious
- Restaurants - Cafes - Bars
- Retail Hardware
- Salons - Spa & Wellness Services
- Services
- Shoes
- Shop
- Souvenirs
- Vintage
- Vinyl Records
- Wine - Beer & Spirits
- apartment & townhome rentals
- automotive
- coworking
Strawberry Fields
Jewelry from many decades, vinyl records, midcentury-modern art, uranium glass, cameras, vintage postcards & photos, magazine, comics, pre-70’s collectibles, toys, rare items.
Potters Guild Baltimore
The Guild’s Gallery displays and sells members’ work and features a wide selection of functional, wearable and sculptural work.
Changed My Mind Vintage
The Space Within
We are a healing space committed to fostering an inclusive community where all are welcome, safe, and able to heal.
in watermelon sugar
A one - stop boutique specializing in an array of products for everyone!
Jill Andrews Gowns
Jill Andrews gowns is a custom design studio creating wedding attire and evening gowns. Unique accessories, jewelry, millinery, couture alterations and restorations available by appointment.
HeARTwares by Art with a Heart
Unique handmade gifts designed and created by HeARTworks students
Charlotte Elliott and the Bookstore Next Door
Quality antiques, Rare books, Fine stationery and Vintage clothing