- Accessories
- Accounting and Tax Services
- Antiques
- Appraisal Services
- Art
- Art Galleries
- Books
- Brewery
- Children's Goods
- Clothing-Men's
- Clothing-Women's
- Comedy & Music
- Crafts
- Custom Wedding Attire
- Design Services
- Education
- Florist
- Food Markets
- Furniture
- Gifts
- Health Services
- Hemp and CBD Products
- Home Decor
- Housewares
- Jewelry
- Jewelry Repair & Watch Batteries
- Letterpress Printing
- Live Entertainment
- Maryland and Baltimore Souvenirs
- Non Profit Organizations
- Orioles
- Pet Care
- Photographer
- Private Event Space
- Ravens
- Real Estate - Law - Insurance - Accounting
- Religious
- Restaurants - Cafes - Bars
- Retail Hardware
- Salons - Spa & Wellness Services
- Services
- Shoes
- Shop
- Souvenirs
- Vintage
- Vinyl Records
- Wine - Beer & Spirits
- apartment & townhome rentals
- coworking
- eyecare
Alex Blum CPA, LLC
Locally owned and operated tax advisory service. Tax preparation and planning for individuals and businesses, bookkeeping, and account analysis.
Frazier’s on the avenue
A long-established, friendly bar and restaurant in the heart of Hampden.
The Modest Florist
Full service retail and event florist sourcing only locally grown flowers, plants, and sustainable supplies. Free delivery to Hampden and neighborhoods within a 2-mile radius.
Mill Centre Artists
~20 individual artist studios in the historic Mill Centre. Contact info listed on main website or individual artist websites for studio visits or Open Studio dates. Metal, miniatures, printmaking, fabric art, photography, painting, drawing, jewelry, assemblages ... most studios are handicapped accessible and dog friendly.